
FTD Florist Directory

Flower Arrangement

Fresh, Hand-Delivered Flowers Direct from Local Florists

Fresh, Hand-Delivered Flowers Direct from Local Florists

Showing Results for Florists in New Kensington, Pennsylvania

Springdale Floral And Gift
902 Pittsburgh St, Springdale, 15144
Call or stop by our shop in Springdale. Choose from our nice selection of Green Plants, Blooming Plants, Dish Gardens, Fruit & Gourmet Baskets, Gift Baskets, Baby Gifts, Candy, Greeting Cards, Home Decor, Scented Candles, Silk Flowers, Stuffed Animals and more!

Looking for high-quality florists that serve New Kensington, PA? Browse the florists listed above and find the right flowers for you! With FTDflorists.com, you can search for local florists in the U.S. and Canada, and find the best fit for your gift-giving needs.